Selasa, 06 November 2012

Busy Edo

Yap, Edo is extremely busy toddler (lebay ach)  he hasn’t 2 years yet, afterall he moves around the house like energizer bunny. Sometime we found hard to keep up with. Sometimes it is so exhausted to follow his energy he he. He is only calm down while sleeping only.

Edo is trying to imitate all of our activity. He can try to insert the barney DVD to the tray by him self. But always in the wrong way (wha haha ha pusing dech). He can ask to play the Barney by saying “Dilat Baniiii”(maksudnya Lihat barney) for 5 times in an hour. Just wanna see the opening part and then just leaves to play my cutlery or play at the front yard.

But sometimes barney is so helpful for me. It keep Edo on the sofa for 5-15 minutes, while I work at the kitchen. Also allow Hafid for do his work. Why Barney, because my sister in law bought it for Edo. And exactly just the type of DVD that I would bought for Edo. It’s first education DVD  
This weekend we bought 2 more Barney DVD and Thomas the train for Edo. Yes last weekend, We shop only for Edo needs. We shop some clothes and a pair of shoes from Pasar Atom (it is one of old market in Surabaya). While we at the baby shop, Edo were moving  around the shop, and say "ïni baguss Bu, ini bagus Bu”(LOL) he said that because he heard me said so to Hafid.
I feel like this is the time for Edo learns  everything we do, we must give him the suitable role model. Unfortunately sometimes one of us is act or do the wrong way (well that’s human right?) so we have to be more carefull. Recently Edo only sleep once in the morning, used to be twice, one in afternoon. Our front yard is big enough and full with plant. The grass and front plant have grew too long. So I decided to clean it up. Nevertheless Edo hasn’t sleep yet that afternoon. So I and Edo cut and clean the grass. Edo were moving around me and helped me to pick up the grass and put it everywhere I moved (wow IT is called help? J)  he is such a clever young man, he already put the the grass at the plastic bag. Ochhh I love u Son. At the car I always urged him to close the car window, and Edo is very happy with it. and ask Hafid to close the car window too. (now he is bossy) After that he started to ask for writing at paper using crayon or a pencil by saying “tulis tulis”

Happy soon 21 months my dear Son..We love you.



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